You may be wondering…
Am I still banking with The County?
Yes! We’re the same member-owned credit union you know and love.
Why the new logo?
Over the years, we’ve grown in many ways – welcoming members, expanding into new communities, and joining forces with other credit unions that share our values. Our new logo better reflects who we are and the membership we serve.
Will this affect my banking?
Not at all. Your money at The County is still federally insured up to NCUA limits, and your account number, routing number, and digital banking login won’t change. There’s nothing you need to do.
What happens next?
As we roll out our new branding in the coming months, you’ll start to see our updated look and logo across our branches, documents, and online channels.
- Your current debit or credit card from The County will continue to work. When it expires, you’ll receive a new card with an updated design.
- Future check orders will also have our new logo, but you can keep using the checks you have now.
What does this change mean for me?
If you are a former Penobscot County FCU member, your account number will stay the same, but you will see the Penobscot County FCU Paul Bunyan logo disappear. The new logo will replace the old logo over the next few months. The County FCU members will see no changes except a new logo on signs and in branches over the next year.
Is the name Penobscot County Federal Credit Union going away?
Yes. We are now legally The County Federal Credit Union.
Do I need new checks?
No. Your checks will still work until you run out. When you reorder, they will have a new logo and routing number on them.
Do I need a new Debit card?
If you currently have a yellow card with Paul Bunyan on it, you will be automatically issued a new card in the next few months. Your yellow debit card will no longer work after you activate your new card. All blue and green cards will remain active until they naturally expire.
Do I need a new Credit Card?
No. When your card expires, you will be issued a new one with the new logo.
It’s about the place we’re from. And the places you’ll go.
As a symbol of our credit union, our new logo reflects what matters. It’s about the communities we’ve proudly served since 1956—and the role we play as a modern, accessible, and dependable financial partner for 30,000+ members across Maine.
True to our members.
Every day, we’re inspired by the people we serve—and we’re proud to support your success. As we start this new chapter, you can continue to count on:
- A great selection of accounts and loans
- The latest banking technology
- Excellent rates and extra perks
- Personal guidance from a caring team